Wednesday, 30 November 2011

PLANNING: Preliminary Decisions

I am working in a group of three with Amy Bradley, Jessie Niven and myself. We chose to work together as we felt that we all had different qualities that would benefit the group. We can all use the Mac’s successfully to edit our work and I feel that I am quite organized which help the group at a later stage when we plan for the making of our film. Jessie is creative and good at acting so she will be good at starring in the film. We have all had previous experience with using the cameras so that will also help. We work well together and are all friends which are valid reasons to why we have chosen to work together.                                  

Here is a picture of Amy, Jessie and myself,

The genre of movie we will be creating is Fantasy. The definition of a fantasy film is usually involving magic, supernatural events, make-believe creatures, or exotic fantasy worlds. The genre is considered to be distinct from science fiction film and horror film, although the genres do overlap, these are called sub-genres. Fantasy films often have an element of magic, myth, wonder, escapism, and the extraordinary.

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