Monday, 7 November 2011

RESEARCH: Match on Action

Match on action is several shots edited together to give the impression of a continuous shot. The chronological sequences of events are an example of continuity editing, it is important in helping the audience to understand what is happening on screen. It also gives the illusion that the motion continues uninterrupted.
The illusion of reality is created by cutting during an action to another camera at a different angle from the same point in time that you left it from in the previous shot. This is used to continue the flow of the scene and to create verisimilitude.
The purpose of  this technique is to smooth over the inherent discontinuity of the editing process and to establish a logical coherence between shots.

Here is an example of match on action. The video shows me walking through a door and passing the camera on the right. I then reappear on the left and walk towards another door. We then moved the camera to the other side of the door so it created the illusion of the scene being taken in one shot. I open the door and walk off towards the right and then reappear on the left, I then walk towards the door. We then re-positioned the camera on the other side of the door which I then opened and walked towards the camera and off to the right.

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