Monday, 19 March 2012

Day 2 Filming

For the final scene we have decided to film the evening of Monday 17th March. The weather is looking quite sunny which may meen we will have to decrease the brightness to give a scarier atmosphere of the scene. Due to our groups work schedule Amy was unable to attend this day of filming. We felt that it was alot harder without Amy and with her would of been better! Although her absence was not ideal I enjoyed working with Jessie on the filming of this scene.

For the final part of the filming we were all set to start filming at the bottom of Jessie's Garden, we did a few takes but then decided to try else where and film the scene in a field. We felt that this added to the tension and remote location to where our character Emma transported to. This choice of locations, shot types and angles made it better for us when we came to edit as we had more choice and we also had Amy's opinion. 

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