Thursday, 22 March 2012

RESEARCH: BBFC Certifications

A main part of film distribution is film classification. The British Board of Film Classification produces a set of guidelines which are easily obtained for reference from the organisations website  
Bbfc certifications
View more PowerPoint from alice32010

As a group we came to conclusion of classifying Emma’s Dilemma as a PG. In the opening there is no Discriminatory language or behaviour, reference to illegal drugs, fighting scenes, natural nudity or moderate violence without detail. With all this in mind we then went back and looked at who we actually targeted our film at. We wanted to target our film at a wide range of audiences so it was suitable for families. Also we thought that in the long run our film could maybe become part of a series just like the Harry Potter fantasy franchise. This then lead to us classifying the first film (Emma’s Dilemma) as a PG and then progressing up to a 12a just like the Harry Potter series did.

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